My... feminist(-and Single) mother taught me that "Mothers Day is a load of rubbish created by the big commercial multinationals in order to sell us all more shit, AND the whole idea of -only one day a year- celebrating the mothers of the world (who works their arses off for the family) is CHAUVINISTIC and DEGRADING to ALL women, AND the ONLY intention with this Mothers-Day-Rubbish is to stop women from complaining the rest of the year and to keep them at home, cooking and scrubbing the floors !!!!"
I KNOW this might create debate (at least on my personal Facebook page). But honestly...... it seems to me that this whole idea of (only once a year...) celebrating mothers, too often ends up in tears because of unfulfilled expectations, just like all the OTHER days Walt Disney/Monsanto/Coca cola/The Illuminati invented (...Fathers Day, Valentines Day, New Years Eve etc) to sell us more shit we don't need !!
OK. So there you go ! Now, GO ON AND KILL ME ! (Just remember I'm only repeating what MY mother taught me...... and btw Mothers Day is finished in about 20 minutes time anyway, so you can forget about getting upset (-till next year !)