The only time I feel really comfortable about decisions is when I write songs. I might have to have a litle break from a song at some point, or several ones. But I trust my gut instinct when I listen back to a demo or look at a lyric. Obviously there are times where even THAT becomes a problem, but that rarely happens. I have learned to follow my instinct on that one.
When I have written a good song I feel powerful. Here is something I really am the only judge of it's good or bad. When there's a writing partner involved though it's a different process, where its more about maneuvering between two ideas og bouncing off each other, which the great thing about it.
So putting down a final date for my single release has been a total nightmare. I was in good time, I thought I was well prepared, but every little task seemed to turn into a week which is often the case when you are self financing and on the cheap. And as I'm a perfectionist and not always good at visioning things clearly or explaining what I want -or demanding it- it can sometimes get a bit long winded and I can drive people nuts. I really try to be more to the point and follow my instincts, but I often doubt them.... Though in the end we usually get there.
So I've forced myself through it and I'm really happy to announce that my new single Love & War will be released on Friday May 8th, where I also will be playing a little live set online at 8:30PM UK time / 19:00 CEST... (in Denmark for instance) Check this page regularly for more news).
And now on to choose which photos to use....... I know some world class photographers, so I'm spoilt for choice......... AAAAAAAAARH !